Manor Farm Court, Warwickshire

Housing: Rural


Brookland Residential Ltd


6 dwellings

Rugby Borough Council




Local Authority

An exclusive development of six new 4 and 5 bedroom homes nestled in a quiet countryside location.

Manor Farm Court is a bespoke development of six farmhouse and barn-style dwellings in the Warwickshire village of Burton Hastings. Developed closely with the local authority’s planning officer, the design involves the conversion of a derelict barn and the creation of new build homes in place of the old agricultural sheds. The homes follow a flexible, open plan layout and each of the barn-style homes features an oak staircase and galleried landing to make a statement upon arrival. Black timber cladding with a red brick plinth is used to mirror local vernacular materials and elevations are brought to life with full height barn-door glazing.

Construction due to start on site soon. 

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